
Opportunities for students

We offer interns involvement in ongoing projects

Students can get involved in a variety of ways from active research or administrative work on current projects, to focusing on using data from past projects for their own research, to organizational work on the running of the SEDL lab.

Examples of current internships

An internship at a SEDL typically includes activities of a threefold nature (community building, improving the lab’s operations through administration and organization, and research activities). The specific workload is always agreed with a member of the SEDL team who serves as the intern’s direct supervisor and can be combined with activities of different types.


Regular weekly online meetings (updates on work activities); once a month active participation in a professional seminar; individual meetings over tasks with your supervisor in the SEDL.

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Independent work on agreed work activities of an administrative or organisational nature (e.g. managing the reference library in Zotero, Web administration, code-review to fellow interns).

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Independent work on arranged work activities of a research nature (e.g. literature search, writing a scientific text, data analysis, editing a manuscript into APA format).

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Diploma theses

You can also participate in the SEDL through your bachelor’s or master’s thesis. We currently offer this opportunity to students of the Department of Psychology (FSS MU, Brno) and students of the Department of Pedagogy (Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University, Prague).

Current interns

Aneta Smetanová

—To be added—

Elliot Kolouch

Writing a validation study of the Social Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (Muris, 2001) into Czech, Finnish, and Persian languages; translation of other measures into Czech language

Aleš Přibík

Writing a meta-analysis on school bullying victimization associations with sleep disorders

Petr Sedlák

Translation of measures into Czech language; literature search and review on victimizaiton of students with communication difficulties

Tereza Levková

Writing a meta-analysis on school bullying victimization associations with sleep disorders

Do you want to join the interns?

Together, we will discuss options how to contribute.

Alumni interns

Jonáš Koller

Creating SEDL websites

Matouš Jarolímek

Research on students’ perspectives on peer exclusion in same-ethnic context vs. cross-ethnic context.

Alex Vaculík

Writing a validation study of the Attitudes against/towards bullying questionnaire (Salmivalli & Voeten, 2004) into the Czech language; administration of the Zotero reference library.

Jana Šťastná

Writing a validation study of the Attitudes against/towards bullying questionnaire (Salmivalli & Voeten, 2004) into Czech language