Here you can find

Research projects that we have successfully tackled in the past and are currently working on. See how our lab contributes to knowledge in the field of human social and emotional development.

Funded by public support providers and funded internally within the Academy of Sciences

Our projects

For each project, the aim, abstract, investigators, information about the data generated in the project and the main assumptions and findings are presented with links to publications. For current projects, we also present the current progress of the project.

Active projects

Active projects are projects that the SEDL research team is currently working on.

Projects in which we have participated

In this section we list the projects we have been involved in since the inception of SEDL (in 2022). These are projects led by other institutions.

We participate in SYRI’s (National Institute for Research on the Socioeconomic Impact of Disease and Systemic Risk) Education Research Group.

KiVa evaluation

We participate in the project of the non-profit organization Schola Empirica, z.s., implementing the Czech version of the KiVa anti-bullying program.

Inactive projects

Inactive projects are projects on which the SEDL research team has worked in the past and which have been completed. Some active projects may build on past inactive projects.