
Material overview

Documents related to SEDL activities

On this page we would like to share some useful resources with the SEDL community. Here we share some presentations from conferences containing the results of our work, technical information on the Czech versions of some tools we have translated, or html documents with annotated code.

To download our materials, simply click on the box with the link to the document that caught your eye. If you have any questions or comments about the materials, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Templates, procedures, and commented code

Selected publications


  • Lintner, T., Klocek, A., Ropovik, I., & Kollerová, L. (2023). Relational dynamics in bullying, victimization, and defending perceptions.
  • Klocek, A., Kollerová, L., Havrdová, E., Netík, J., Pour, M. (2023). The interplay between selected protective/risk factors and outcomes in a KiVa-antibullying program: Psychological networks perspective on potential mechanisms of change. Draft written.
  • Havrda, M., & Klocek, A. (2023). Well-being impact assessment of artificial intelligence–A search for causality and proposal for an open platform for well-being impact assessment of AI systems. Evaluation and Program Planning99, 102294.
  • Kollerová, L., Květon, P., Zábrodská, K., & Janošová, P. (2023). Teacher exhaustion: The effects of disruptive student behaviors, victimization by workplace bullying, and social support from colleagues. Social Psychology of Education.
  • Vorlíček, R. & Kollerová, L. (2023). Being disliked and bullied: A case revealing interplay between peer status and bullying. Children and Society.
  • Janošová, P., Kollerová , L., Cakirpaloglu, P., & Vorlíček, R. (2023). Empatie žáků vůči šikanovaným spolužákům. Československá Psychologie, 67(1), 1–14.


  • Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., & Kollerová, L. (2022). Teachers can make a difference in bullying: Effects of teacher interventions on students’ adoption of bully, victim, bully-victim or defender roles across time. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(12), 2312-2327.
  • Vorlíček, R., Kollerová, L., Janošová, P., & Jungwirthová, R. (2022). Stresory ve škole z pohledu učitelů a jejich souvislosti s Individuálními charakteristikami a vyhořením [Stressors at school from the teachers’ perspective and their associations with individual characteristics and burnout]. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie, 66(1), 1–16.